Cemetery Dilbeek 2012-2014

The cemetery at Sint-Ulriks-Kapelle deals with extremes. The site is flanked by a ground station for electricity distribution and the Brussels ring road. Situated between the oversized wiring of two high-voltage pylons, the cemetery stretches out against the undulations of a landscape that has remained undisturbed.

The utilitarian reality of the nearby metropolis is at odds with the serenity that a burial ritual presupposes.
The design proposal creates resistance: the ritual is taken by the hand.

A simple colonnade in an L-shape welcomes the visitor and gives the entrance back coverage in relation to the ground station. Some views are framed in an illusory, almost naive attempt to forget the dominant reality.

The saddened find a place to hide and greet their loved ones.

atelier for transformative architecture & masterplanning